Thursday 7 May 2009

Blog questionnaire.

Age - 19
Sex - female
What is your degree subject? - social care and social policy
Does 'being bad' relate well to other modules you are taking- Not social care but maybe social policy
If so, how? and if not, why not? - with social policy, the government policies
Have you found ' Being Bad' to demanding , too easy, or at an appropriate level? - appropriate level of work
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was apporpriate?- yes
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? - sex
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? - yes
What do you fink of the module team? - would of liked it better if we had the same lecturers each week, maybe i would of haved a better realtionship with lecturers.
Do you think it would have been better to have had more: information and talk from lecturers
small group discussions
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Information and talk from lecturers?
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? yes however topics from social policy would of been helpful
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? yes
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? yes
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? yes
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend? yes
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? yes and no people have busy lives and do forget to keep up with there blogs and may have found it hard to understand, on the other hand it's good to see other people's views
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? one longer assessment
What have you learned from the module? Different body modifications
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? blogs session's
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? bad comedians
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?no

response to finch katy.j - anorexia

I agree that celebrities to have an affect on why people do want to be thin. I also enjoy eating but at the same time i go to the gym, there are easiler way's of trying to lose weight other than not eating at all or being sick eveytime you eat.
Being anorexia is not good for anyone's health, the media does have a great affect on how people look.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


Lying is information which is told to others which is untrue. lying is a part of being bad a lie can get people into more trouble which can therefore cause people to keep lying. So why do people lie? is it to get them selves out of trouble or is it because they are jealous of someone or something?

Everybody lies even whether it is a small lie or a big lie it is still a lie. i have lied about a number of thing's to my mom, however i didnt realise the amount of trouble you can get yourself in once you lie and the amount of gulit you feel.

Response to charmaine anderson - benefit fraud

I agree that benefit fraud is wrong, and is a form of stealing why do people try to get more money out the system? it doesn't make sense! there are people out there who actually do need to live off beneift's due to being unable to work maybe because of a disability. people are just to greedy and end up putting themselves in a situation where they find it hard to get out due to it being a criminal offence.


I think prostitution is bad, no women should lower themselves to sell their own body for sex.

To me, it's like your body is worthless. there are many young girls who are driven to prostitutions by men who they thought they could trust, in this case it's not the young girls fault because they know no different.

Perhaps many prosstitutes are drug addicts and do it to get money to for there drugs or on the other hand a parent who is finding it hard to surive money wise, there are other ways of getting money, starting with finding a job.

why should women risk the fact that they can get sexually transmitted diseases or even AIDS by being prostitutes.

drugs - cannabis

Cannabis (weed) is a drug natural substance which is from the marijuania plant.

many young people tend to smoke it because they get a buzz from it nevertheless it has a number of side effects such as , paranoia, panic attacks, munchies and the giggles, so why do people smoke it?

I don't smoke cigarttes and has never tried cannabis however i have been around people who do smoke cannabis and to me i just notice that they become tired and tend to get hungry. i dont understand why people spend so much money a week on buying cannabis when they can only get two spliffs out of £10 worth of cannabis it just doesnt make sense.

However cannabis is also used in cakes and to drink tea, so why does the government have a issue with cannabis, even though it's a illegal drug there are some positive affects from cannabis or is it the way cannabis is used?

Same sex marriage and adoption

personally i disagree with same sex marriage. Even though marriage is about commitment and love it can also be linked to families, i disagree that the same sex marriage should be allowed to adopt children because personally it wouln't be a normal up bringing why should a young child have to grow up thinking that he or she has two mommy's or two daddy's. A family should consist if mothers and fathers together, i'm not saying that the same-sex wouldn't bring up a family right, with proper norms and values it just wouldn't be fair on the child.

Same sex marriage is legal in some countries.

Tuesday 5 May 2009


Euthanasia is helping to kill someone who may be unable to take their own life due to being terminally ill. In many cases individuals want to end their life because they can't take the pain their in.

Euthanasia is illegal in this country and you can have a prison sentence for commiting euthanasia.

From a religious point of view i believe that good will decide when it's your time to die however if a loved one was terminally ill and couldn't take any more i proberly would be tempted to commit euthanasia and not realising the consequences.

Is euthanasia murder? i believe it's not murder and that people shouldn't go to prision to end someone's life when they have been given permission to do this. life is about choices and you should have the choice whether to end your life if your are really ill, not the choice to end your life if u have no reason to.

response to: aisha flash - stealing

I agree that stealing is wrong and why do people do it if they have money? but on the other hand many people tend to steal so they can sell their items and buy drugs with the money. I work in a retail shop and we get shoplifters in all the time, however the ,majority of the shop lifters are young parents or drug addict.
Once people steal they and they don't get caught it become's a habbit for them and they therefore become addicted to it, they find it a easy way of gettin money.

Response to:- Emma j.noon - plastic surgery

I believe that plastic surgery is wrong to an extent and everybody should accept the way they they have been born. I would agree in plastic surgey if people needed it too reconstruct their faces due to problems by when they were born.

The media does play a major part in how people look at themselves, and especially young girls who want that 'PERFECT' look who look up to celebrities such as jordan as role models.
However there are other opitions instead of plastic surgery such as counselling.


Bullying is more common in school's,homes and is also in work places but not as extreme, but why do people bully each other? is it due to the way they look, weight problems whether they have a disability or even because of the colour of their skin.

I disagree with bullying as it can cause people to harm them selves and their bodies for example, it can cause eating disorders, self harm and in serious cases suicidal.
I believe bully's are jealous people and they bully people to lower individuals self-esteem.

Drink Driving.

Many people take risks and drink drive whilst out with friends, however many people don't tend to realise the affect this may have on other road users or even pedestrians. But why do car users take the risk? as a driver myself i would only have my daily limit if i'm going out locally, however if i was going out of town i wouldn't even take the risk, i would just drink red bull all night or even find another way of going out.

Tuesday 28 April 2009


Is it fair to get rid of a unwanted baby who didnt ask to be in this world? i believe that you have to be in the situation to have a proper answer, women should use a proper contraception and men should wear socks than they wouldnt get themselves in that situation. However mistakes do happen but there are ways of avoiding that situation.

Body Modifications

Personally i don't think body modifications are wrong as i have 4 piercing's and 3 tattoos. However when people are having their tongues spilt and subdermal implant that's when there taking it to the extreme, is there any point in doing that harm to your body? at the end of the day people get addicted to body modifications and take it to a next level they should get help because it's not normal.

Thursday 19 March 2009

Response to:- Richards, Taisha - Bad behaviour

I agree that society is changing and we do need more family's around to set good examples for the younger generation. Many family values are not as important today as they were about 50 years ago.


knife Crime

I believe that knife crime is on the increase and that something needs to be done about it.Many people are dying for the wrong reason, with many of them being under the age of 25. I believe that the age of buying a knife should be increased to 21.
Howver i believe the governement needs to act quickly before it's too late.